Conclusion – Law, Democracy and the European Court of Human Rights

Cambridge University Press has provided an open access copy of the Conclusion of Law, Democracy and the European Court of Human Rights.

This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. 

See more information on the book. And join us for the book launch on 25 June at 10.00 with Prof Conor Gearty, Prof Ruth Rubio Marin, Dr Catherine O’Rourke and myself: Register.

Law, Democracy and the European Court of Human Rights

Just published in 2020, Law, Democracy and the European Court of Human Rights with Cambridge University Press. It discusses how the Court supports a liberal representative and substantive model of democracy, and outlines the potential for the Court to interpret the Convention so as to support more deliberative, participatory and inclusive democratic practices. The book commences with an overview of different theories of democracy and then discusses the origins of the Council of Europe and the Convention and presents the basic principles on the interpretation and application of the Convention. Subsequent chapters explore issues around free expression, free assembly and association, the scope of the electoral rights, the right to vote, the right to run for election and issues about electoral systems. Issues discussed include rights relating to referendums, voting rights for prisoners and non-nationals, trade union rights and freedom of information.

New book!

My new book is out:

Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations, by O’Connell, Nolan, Harvey, Dutschke, Rooney.

applying image

A short description is available at international-human-rights-framework-to-state-budget-allocations/

For a discount see this flyer: O’Connell, Nolan, Harvey, Dutschke and Rooney flyer.

Hello world!


This site reflects my research and teaching interests in the broad areas of Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Equality.  View my research papers on SSRN at See my ‘About‘ page for more information or follow on Twitter:  or ‘like’ on facebook:

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Any views expressed are personal and not representing any organisation.
